Nitr-Navigator - A comprehensive Nitrate, Nitrite and Nitrosamine Database

Combined food table for nitrate and nitrite content databases (V2.1)

By Liezhou Zhong; 11 May 2024


The whole Nitrate, Nitrite and Nitrosamine Database (Nitr-Navigator) food table contains all unique food items in the database. The "common food name" column are cleaned food names as described in the plant-based nitrate database paper (2022, foodchem), while animal foods, particularly sausages, are grouped based on their processing and preservation methods (See animal food nitrate nitrite database paper; mnfr, 2022).

The search function enables wildcard search across the entire table (e.g., 'lett' for all lettuce) and is case-insensitive. However, many composite food names are not modified and being presented as in data sources.

Common food name Botanic family Botanic family common name Latin name or full name Other names or food examples Food category
5 - years
Abura-age Composite food
Acai berry Arecaceae Palm family açaí palm Fruits
Acai juice Drinks
Adzuki bean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Pulses
Ajwain Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Trachyspermum ammi Ajwain, ajowan, ajowan caraway, omam (in Tamil), thymol seeds, bishop's weed, or carom; seed-like fruits Spices
Alcoholic beverage, except wine and beers Alcoholic drinks
Almond Rosaceae Rose family nut Nuts
Almond milk Composite food
Aloe vera juice Composite food
Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Amaranthus tricolor  bireum in Korea; tampala, tandaljo, or tandalja bhaji in India; callaloo in the Caribbean; and Joseph's coat; xiàncài (simplified Chinese: 苋菜; traditional Chinese: 莧菜) Leafy vegetable
Amphibia Amphibia Reptiles, amphibia and insects
Animal fat Animal fat Buffalo fat; Camel fat; Cattle fat (Tallow); Goat fat; Horse fat; Pig fat (lard); Rabbit fat; Sheep fat; Exclude milk fat; Animal fat
Anise Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Pimpinella anisum aniseed or rarely anix Herbs
Apple Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Apple juice Drinks
Apple sauce Composite food
Apple, canned Fruit, processed
Apricot Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Artichoke Asteraceae Sunflower family Cynara scolymus alcachofas francesas [SPANISH], ong gong kwi [KOREAN], French artichoke Flower vegetable
Artichoke, pickled Vegetable, processed
Arugula Brassicaceae Cabbage family Eruca sativa garden rocket, regula; Eruca; Roquette Leafy vegetable
Asafoetida Dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula, perennial herbs Spices
Asparagus Asparagaceae Asparagus family Asparagus officinalis esparrago [SPANISH] Stem & shoot vegetable
Asparagus bean, fresh Fabaceae Legume family Vigna unguiculata ssp. Sesquipedalis Yard-long bean, long bean, snake bean Legume/seed vegetable
Asparagus lettuce Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa var. angustana asparagus lettuce, celtuce, Spargelsalat [GERMAN], stem lettuce; “leaf-use” types such as youmaicai (Chinese: 油麥菜; pinyin: yóumàicài) or shengcai (生菜/唐生菜) Stem & shoot vegetable
Asparagus, canned Vegetable, processed
Asparagus, pickled Vegetable, processed
Asteraceae leafy vegetables Mixed Mixed Mixed, pooled
Atriplex Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Orache; Saltbush Leafy vegetable
Avocado Lauraceae Laurel family Persea americana aguacate [SPANISH], alligator pear, calavo [SPANISH], palta Fruits
Bacon Bacon Bacon Processed meat
Baked beans Vegetable, processed
Bamboo shoots Poaceae Grass family Bambusa spp. choke-sun [CHINESE], palmillo de bambu [SPANISH], take-noko [JAPANESE] Stem & shoot vegetable
Bamboo shoots, pickled Vegetable, processed
Bamboo shoots, pickled Vegetable, processed
Banana Musaceae Banana family Fruits
Barley Poaceae Grass family Cereals
Basil Lamiaceae Mint family Ocimum spp. albahaca [SPANISH], hoary basil, holy basil, oregano falso [SPANISH], rau que [VIETNAMESE], sweet basil Herbs
Basil, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Ocimum spp. Herbs
Bean juice Drinks
Bean, dry, mixed, unspecific Fabaceae Legume family Pulses
Bean, fresh, mixed, unspecific Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Bean, garden, canned Vegetable, processed
Bean, garden, pickled Vegetable, processed
Beans, canned Vegetable, processed
Beans, garden, fresh, green or with pods Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus vulgaris French bean, green bean, haricot bean, string bean, beans with pods;Phaseolus spp.: kidney, haricot bean (Ph. vulgaris); lima, butter bean (Ph. lunatus); adzuki bean (Ph. angularis); mungo bean, golden, green gram (Ph. aureus); black gram, urd (Ph. mungo); scarlet runner bean (Ph. coccineus); rice bean (Ph. calcaratus); moth bean (Ph. aconitifolius); tepary bean (Ph. acutifolius) Legume/seed vegetable
Beef and veal Beef and veal Beef and veal; cow; ox; bull fresh meat; Including mined beef meat Red meat
Beer Alcoholic drinks
Beet, leaves Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Beta vulgaris var. vulgaris Mangel, , remolacha [SPANISH], beetroot; Leafy vegetable
Beetroot Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Beta vulgaris var. vulgaris Mangel, , remolacha [SPANISH], beetroot Root vegetable
Beetroot juice Drinks
Beetroot, canned Vegetable, processed
Beetroot, pickled Vegetable, processed
Belgian endive Asteraceae Sunflower family Cichorium intybus witloof; Common chicory; witlof, white leaf, chicory leaves Leafy vegetable
Bell pepper Solanaceae Nightshade family Capsicum annuum Hot capsicums; aji picante [SPANISH], cayenne pepper, cherry pepper, chile [SPANISH], chili pepper, garden pepper, Hungarian pepper, Italian sweet pepper, mango pepper, paprika pepper, pimento, pimentó [SPANISH], pimiento [SPANISH], pimentón dulce [SPANISH], pimentón picante [SPANISH], pimiento [SPANISH], red pepper,sweet red pepper; jalapeño, peperoncini, and peperoncito; Fruit vegetable
Bell pepper, pickled Vegetable, processed
Beverage, mixed, unspecific Drinks
Biscuit Composite food
Bitter leaf Asteraceae Sunflower family Vernonia amygdalina Herbs
Bitter melon Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Momordica charantia "balsam pear, balsamino (IN PUERTO RICO], bitter cucumber, bitter gourd, Chinese cucumber, cundeamor [SPANISH], karaili [HINDI] ; Sopropos " Fruit vegetable
Bitterblad Solanaceae Nightshade family Cestrum tenuiflorum Bitter greens, bita wiwiri, bitterblad; bitawiri Leafy vegetable
Black gram, dry Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus mungo roxb Pulses; legumes; Vigna mungo; bean; Black gram (dry seeds) or Urd bean (dry) Pulses
Black pepper Piperaceae Pepper family Piper nigrum Spices
Black radish Juice Drinks
Black tea Drinks
Black tea for infusions, dry Drinks
Black tea, prepared Drinks
Blackberry Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Blackcurrant juice Drinks
Blessed thistle Cnicus benedictus St. Benedict's thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle or spotted thistle Leafy vegetable
Blue mallow Leafy vegetable
Blueberry Ericaceae Heath family Fruits
Borage Boraginaceae Borage family Borago officinalis borraja [SPANISH] Herbs
Bottle gourd Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Lagenaria siceraria Calabash gourd; bottle gourd, white-flowered gourd, long melon, New Guinea bean; Tasmania bean Fruit vegetable
Bottle water Drinks
Brassica, mixed, unspecific Brassicaceae Cabbage family Mixed, pooled
Bread Composite food
Breadfruit Moraceae Mulberry family Artocarpus altilis fruta de pan [SPANISH], lanqka, pana [SPANISH], ulu, breadfruit nangka [INDONESIAN] Fruit vegetable
Breakfast cereals Composite food
Broccoli Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. italica Flower vegetable
Broccoli sprouts Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. Italica asparagus broccoli Stem & shoot vegetable
Brussels sprouts Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera col de bruselas [SPANISH] Leafy vegetable
Brussels sprouts, canned Vegetable, processed
Brussels sprouts, pickled Vegetable, processed
Buckwheat Polygonaceae Buckwheat family Cereals
Bulb vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Bulb vegetable
Burdock Asteraceae Sunflower family Arctium lappa Arctium; Root vegetable
Butter Butter Butter Dairy products
Buttermilk Drinks
Butternut squash butternut pumpkin or gramma Fruit vegetable
Cabbage Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata berza [SPANISH], col [SPANISH], repollo chino [SPANISH], savoy cabbage Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, conical head Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, oxheart Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, pickled Vegetable, processed
Cabbage, red Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, red, canned Vegetable, processed
Cabbage, red, pickled Vegetable, processed
Cabbage, savoy Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata Cabbage yellow or Cabbage green Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, sweetheart Brassicaceae Cabbage family Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, white Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata berza [SPANISH], col [SPANISH], repollo chino [SPANISH], savoy cabbage Leafy vegetable
Cabbage, York Brassicaceae Cabbage family Leafy vegetable
Cakes and similar prepared Composite food
Calamus Acoraceae sweet flag, sway or muskrat root Spices
Canned apple Composite food
Canned beans Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Canned coffee Drinks
Canned cranberry Composite food
Canned fish Canned fish Canned/tinned fish; Canned salmon; Cannon sardines; Canned tuna; Canned mackerel; Canned cod; Canned herring Fish and seafood products
Canned fruit, mixed, unspecific Composite food
Canned peas Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Canned pineapple Composite food
Canned tea Drinks
Canned vegetable, unspecific Composite food
Caper Capparaceae Acidified products Vegetable, processed
Caper, pickled Vegetable, processed
Capsicum, dry Solanaceae Nightshade family Spices
Caramel Miscellaneous
Cardamom Zingiberaceae Ginger family Elettaria cardamomum cardamum Spices
Cardoon Asteraceae Sunflower family Cynara cardunculus artichoke thistle; edible burdock, gobo Stem & shoot vegetable
Carrot Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Daucus carota ssp. Sativus dang gun [KOREAN], zanahoria [SPANISH] Root vegetable
Carrot juice Drinks
Carrot, canned Vegetable, processed
Carrot, pickled Vegetable, processed
Cashew Anacardiaceae Cashew family Anacardium occidentale Nuts
Cassava root Euphorbiaceae Spurge/Castor Bean family Cassava roots or Cassava Bitter or Manioc or Cassava Sweet or Tapioca Root vegetable
Cauliflower Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. botrytis coliflor [SPANISH] Flower vegetable
Cauliflower, green Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. botrytis broccoflower Flower vegetable
Cauliflower, pickled Vegetable, processed
CCM, except frankfurter Cooked cured comminuted products other than frankfurter (CCM (except frankfurter)) Hot dog; Wiener [A026D]; Vienna (Würstel or Würstl, Wurstel); Saveloy; Mortadella [A025Q]; Kielbasa; Meatloaf; Kofta; Bologna (baloney) [A025R]; Lyoner; Liver sausage (Liverwurst, Leberwurst); Blood sausage (Blood pudding); Liver pâté; Ham sausage; White sausages; Kielbasa; Wiejska; Krakowska; Andouille; Andouillette; Boterhamworst; Strasbourg sausage; beerwurst; weisswurst; Braunschweiger [A025M]; teewurst; Other cooked comminuted fermented meat products (like A026A]; Fresh smoked sausages which do not require any further cooking before consumption Processed meat
Celeriac Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Apium graveolens var. rapaceum apio [SPANISH], knob celery, turnip-rooted celery; Celery root Root vegetable
Celeriac, canned Vegetable, processed
Celery Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Apium graveolens var. dulce apio [SPANISH], knob celery, turnip-rooted celery Stem & shoot vegetable
Celery juice Drinks
Celery, canned Vegetable, processed
Celery, Chinese Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Apium graveolens var. secalinum Leaf celery Herbs
Celery, dwarf Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Apium graveolens Herbs
Celery, slender Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Apium leptophyllum Wild celery Herbs
Cellophane noodles
Cereal bar Composite food
Cereal, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Cereals
Chamomile Asteraceae Sunflower family Anthemis spp camomila [SPANISH]; German Camomile or Scented Camomile or Scented mayweed or Roman or Noble camomile or Chamomile Herbs
Chamomile Asteraceae Sunflower family Chamomile; camomile; German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile (kamilla), wild chamomile, blue chamomile, or scented mayweed Herbs
Chayote Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Sechium edule mirliton; choko Fruit vegetable
Cheese and cheese products, mixed, unspecific Cheese and cheese products, others Cheese stick; processed cheese Dairy products
Cheese, sheep/goat Dairy products
Cherry Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Cherry jam Composite food
Cherry juice Drinks
Cherry tomato Solanaceae Nightshade family Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiform Fruit vegetable
Chervil Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Anthriscus cerefolium French parsley or garden chervil Herbs
Chervil, root Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Chaerophyllum bulbosum turnip-rooted chervil, tuberous-rooted chervil, bulbous chervil, and parsnip chervil; Root chervil Root vegetable
Chicken meat Chicken meat Chicken fillet; Chicken legs/wings; Chicken breast Poultry and feathered game meat products
Chickpea, dry Fabaceae Legume family Cicer arietinum Pulses; Chickpeas (dry) or Bengal gram (dry) or Gram (dry); Garbanzo bean Pulses
Chicory Asteraceae Sunflower family Cichorium intybus L. Stem & shoot vegetable
Chilli Solanaceae Nightshade family Capsicum annuum "Hot capsicums; bell chillies; the hthe hot varieties are collectively called "chile"/"chiles", "chili"/"chilies", or "chili"/"chile peppers"(one L only), "hot peppers", or named as a specific variety (e.g., banana pepper). Fruit vegetable
Chilli, dry Solanaceae Nightshade family Capsicum annuum Spices
Chilli, pickled Vegetable, processed
Chinese cabbage, napa Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis bae chu [KOREAN], celery cabbage, hukusai, Peking cabbage or Wong bok, wong nga pak, wong nga baak; Nappa cabbage; Napa cabbage; Kimchi cabbage Leafy vegetable
Chinese cabbage, pak-choi Brassicaceae Cabbage family Bok choy, buk choy, pak choy, pak choi, baak choi; Shanghai bok choy; Chinese white cabbage; Pac-Choy; Shanghai cabbage; Qing geng cai (chingensai) Leafy vegetable
Chinese cabbage, leaves Leafy vegetable
Chinese cabbage, pickled Vegetable, processed
Chinese cabbage, stalk
Chinese cabbages, unspecific Brassicaceae Cabbage family Leafy vegetable
Chinese kale Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Gai lan, kai-lan, Chinese broccoli, Chinese kale, or jie lan Leafy vegetable
Chinese mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Brown mustard, Chinese mustard, Indian mustard, leaf mustard, Oriental mustard and vegetable mustard Leafy vegetable
Chinese spinach Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Amaranthus tricolor Chinese spinach, Espinaca China [SPANISH], tampala, African spinach; Chinese amaranth leaves or Chinese spinach Leafy vegetable
Chin-gent-sai Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica campestris L. Leafy vegetable
Chive Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium schoenoprasum cebolleta [SPANISH], cebollin [SPANISH], cebollino [SPANISH] Herbs
Chives stem Stem & shoot vegetable
Chocolate Composite food
Chomolia African kale Leafy vegetable
Chorizo Chorizo Chorizo Processed meat
Choy sum Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp.chinensis var. parachinensis Chinese flowering cabbage, choy sum, choi sum; False pak-choi Leafy vegetable
Chrysanthemum greens Asteraceae Sunflower family Chrysanthemum coronarium (syn. Glebionis coronarium) garland chrysanthemum, hwa hwan guk hwa [KOREAN], Crown daisy, Chrysanthemum; tong ho (choy),tónghāo (cài) Leafy vegetable
Cider Drinks
Cinnamon, dry Lauraceae Laurel family Cinnamomum aromaticum Spices
Citrus Mixed Mixed Fruits
Clary Lamiaceae Mint family Salvia sclarea clary sage Herbs
Clementine Fruits
Cloudberry Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Clove Myrtaceae Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum Spices
Cocoa drink Drinks
Coconut Arecaceae Palm tree family Cocos nucifera nut Fruits
Coconut milk Composite food
Coconut milk powder
Coffee bean Drinks
Coffee drink Drinks
Coffee, instant, powder Drinks
Coffee, instant, prepared Drinks
Coffee, liquid Espresso liquid coffee Drinks
Coffee, liquid, with milk Latte, long white, Drinks
Coffee, mixed, unspecific Drinks
Cola Drinks
Collards Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea Collards or Collards greens or Curly kales or Portuguese kales or Cow cabbages or Borecoles Leafy vegetable
Common bean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean, navy bean, pinto bean, red bean, common bean, snap bean Pulses
Common bean, with pods Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Common millets Poaceae Grass family Finger Millet, Foxtail Millet, Pearl Millet, Proso Millet, Little Millet and Sorghum Millet Cereals
Common purslane Portulacaceae little hogweed, or pursley Leafy vegetable
Condensed milk Composite food
Condiment, mixed, unspecific Condiments
Congee Composite food
Cooked cured meat cuts Cooked cured meat in whole cut or pieces (non-communicated) other than cooked bacon and ham (Cooked cured meat cuts) Pastrami; Cooked beef; Luncheon (cold cuts, cooked meats, sliced meats, cold meats, and deli meats); Rullepølse (Rolled sausage); Camp pie; Canned meat (cooked and nitrite nitrate added); Canned corned beef, cooked [A0B9G] (assumed as cooked except clearly presented as uncooked in this database); Processed meat
Coriander Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Coriandrum sativum Chinese parsley, coriander, coriander greens, leaf coriander, cilantro Herbs
Coriander seed Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Coriander; Spices
Corn starch Miscellaneous
Cornflake Composite food
Courgette Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucurbita pepo L. Zucchini Group calabaza [IN PUERTO RICO], courgettes, shen-gua [CHINESE], winter squash, zapallo [SPANISH], zucchini; Summer squashes or Zucchini or Pâtissons or Pattypan squashes or Marrow or White Bush; Courgettes or Zucchetti or Zucchini. Fruit vegetable
Cow pea, dry Fabaceae Legume family Vigna catjang Pulses; legumes; Bean; Cow pea; Black eyed peas (dry) or Cowpeas (dry) Pulses
Cowpea Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Cranberry Ericaceae Heath family Fruits
Cranberry juice Drinks
Cranberry, dry Ericaceae Heath family Fruits
Cream Composite food
Creamed spinach Vegetable, processed
Croquette Composite food
Crustacea Crustacea Shrimp; Crab; Loberster Fish and seafood products
Cucumber Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucumis sativus pepinillo Fruit vegetable
Cumin seed Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Cuminum cyminum Spices
Currants Grossulariaceae Gooseberry black current (cassis), red, pink, or white currant is a type of winter squash Fruits
Curryleaf Rutaceae Rue family Bergera koenigii (Rutaceae) Spices
Dairy products, others Other milk-based products, pooled, unspecified (Dairy products, others) Buttermilk; Casein powder; quark Dairy products
Dandelion Asteraceae Sunflower family Taraxacum officinale Leafy vegetable
Dates Arecaceae Palm family Phoenix dactylifera Date palm Fruits
Dessert Composite food
Dill Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Anethum graveolens eneldo [SPANISH], shepu, sowa Herbs
Dill, pickled Vegetable, processed
Dill, whole plant Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Herbs
Dominican sage Lamiaceae Mint family Salvia dominica Herbs
Dried meat Dried meat Dried meat strips or flat pieces (Biltong; Beef jerkey); Kabano; Meat floss (pork or yuk sung; Rousong); kolbasz; ciccioli Processed meat
Echinoderms Echinoderms Sea urchins; Sea cucumbers Fish and seafood products
Edamame Cooked green soybean (with pods) Composite food
Eddoe Araceae Arum family Colocasia antiquorum eddo Root vegetable
Edible flowers Lime flower Edible flowers
Eggplant Solanaceae Nightshade family Solanum melongena Aubergine, brinjal Fruit vegetable
Eggplant, pickled Vegetable, processed
Eggs, chicken Eggs, chicken Eggs
Eggs, others Eggs, others Eggs, duck; Eggs, goose; Eggs, bird Eggs
Elderberry Adoxaceae Moschatel family Sambucus berries (elderberries) Fruits
Endive Asteraceae Sunflower family Cichorium endivia subsp. Endivia endibia [SPANISH], escarola [SPANISH]; escarole (broad-leaved Batavian endive, grumolo, scarola, and scarole); Frisée (curly endive or chicory) Leafy vegetable
Energy drink Drinks
European black nightshade Solanaceae black nightshade or blackberry nightshade Fruit vegetable
Faba bean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Vicia fab broadbean, haba [SPANISH], habichuel ancha [SPANISH], horsebean, silkworm bean, windsor bean Pulses
Feathered game meat Feathered game meat Meat derived from birds such as grouse, partridge, pheasant, plover, quail, snipe, squab, wild ducks, wild geese, wild turkey, woodcock Poultry and feathered game meat products
Fennel Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Foeniculum vulgare eneldo [IN PUERTO RICO], hinojo [SPANISH], finocchio [SPANISH], Finocchio [ITALIAN], enelds [IN PUERTO RICO], Herbs
Fennel seed Spices
Fennel, dry Umbelliferae Carrot/Parsley family Herbs
Fenugreek Fabaceae Legume family Trigonella foenum-graecum Spices
Fenugreek leaf Fabaceae Legume family Trigonella foenum-graecum Leafy vegetable
Fig Moraceae Mulberry family Fruits
Fig, dry Moraceae Mulberry family Fruits
Finfish, fresh, frozen Finfish, fresh, frozen Fish and seafood products
Finger millet Poaceae Grass family Eleusine coracana Finger millet grain or African millet grain or Koracan Cereals
Fish and seafood meals, mixed Mixed Surimi; fish cake; Chikuwa; Fish paté; fish terrine Fish and seafood products
Fish and seafood products, others Other sea and freshwater foods, pooled, unspecified (Fish and seafood products, others) Fish and seafood products
Flavouring Composite food
Flour, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Mixed, pooled
Flower vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Flower vegetable
Fluted pumpkin Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Telfaria occidentalis fluted gourd, fluted pumpkin, ugu (in the Igbo language), and ikong-ubong (in the Efik and Ibibio languages) Fruit vegetable
Food additives
Food for infants and small children Mixed Baby food Miscellaneous
Food supplements and similar preparations Composite food
Formula, cow, powder Infant formulae and foods
FPM, except fresh sausage Fresh industrial processed meat products, other than fresh sausages (FPM (except fresh sausage)) Kebab; Patties; Souflaki; Shashlik; Meatball (including Frikadeller); porchetta; aspic Processed meat
Frankfurter Frankfurter Frankfurter Processed meat
French bean Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus vulgaris French Bean; String Bean; Haricot Bean Legume/seed vegetable
Fresh sausages Fresh sausages Bratwurst; Longaniza; Chorizo criollo; Merguez; Breakfast sausage; Boerwors; Chipolata; Diot; Boudin noir; Boudin blanc; Thuringian sausage; bockwurst Processed meat
Fruit infusion
Fruit juice, mixed, unspecific fruit juice blend; Drinks
Fruit nectar Composite food
Fruit pie Composite food
Fruit smoothies Composite food
Fruit tea Drinks
Fruit tea, infusion, dry
Fruit vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Fruit vegetable
Fruit, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Fruits
Fumitory Papaveraceae Poppy family Fumaria officinalis common fumitory, drug fumitory or earth smoke; Fumitory infusion leaves Herbs
Garden cress Brassicaceae Cabbage family Lepidium sativum creson [SPANISH], cress; gaurly cress Stem & shoot vegetable
Garlic Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium sativum ajo [SPANISH], ma nul [KOREAN], seer Bulb vegetable
Garlic bolt Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Garlic sstems, tops, bolts Stem & shoot vegetable
Garlic chive Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium tuberosum Chinese chives Herbs
Garlic chive, yellow Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium tuberosum Chinese chives Herbs
Garlic spears Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Garlic Scapes Stem & shoot vegetable
Gherkin Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucumis sativus gherkin, pepinillo, Cornichon Fruit vegetable
Ginger Zingiberaceae Ginger family Zingiber officinale jengibre [SPANISH], saeng kang puri [KOREAN] Spices
Ginger, pickled Vegetable, processed
Ginkgo nut Ginkgoaceae Nuts
Glasswort Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Salicornia europaea Stem & shoot vegetable
Goji Solanaceae Nightshade family  Lycium chinense Mill  Wolfberry Herbs
Goosefoot Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Chenopodium album lamb's quarters, melde, goosefoot, manure weed, wild spinach and fat-hen; Bathua Leafy vegetable
Grain flour, mixed Cereals
Grape Vitaceae Grape family Fruits
Grape juice Drinks
Grapefruit Rutaceae Rue family Fruits
Grapefruit juice Drinks
Green beans, canned Vegetable, processed
Green tea Drinks
Green tea for infusions, dry Drinks
Green tea, bottled Drinks
Green tea, prepared Drinks
Guar beans, dry Fabaceae Legume family Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Guar Pulses
Gyoza Composite food
Ham Ham Parma Ham; San Daniele Ham; Jinhua Ham; Jamon Serrano;Jambon Savoie; Virginia Ham; Cured/smoked pork loin and breakfast ham; Prosciutto; Including pork ham [A022T] and beef ham [A023C]; Processed meat
Hamburger Hamburgers; Burger; Composite food
Hash brown Composite food
Head mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea.integrifolia """head mustard"", ""Swatow mustard"", and ""heart mustard"", and ""dai gai choy (大芥菜)""." Leafy vegetable
Herbal tea Drinks
Herbal tea, prepared Drinks
Herbs, dry, mixed Herbs
Herbs, fresh, mixed Herbs
Herbs, infusion, dry Peppermint infusion Drinks
Herbs, mixed, unspecific Herbs
Honewort Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Honewort (mitsuba); East Asian wildparsley, Japanese cryptotaenia, Japanese honewort, white chervil mitsuba, Japanese wild parsley, stone parsley, honeywort, san ip, trefoil, and san ye qin (from Chinese: 三叶芹; pinyin: sānyè qín) Root vegetable
Honey Honey Honey Reptiles, amphibia and insects
Horse Horse Horse fresh meat Red meat
Horseradish Brassicaceae Cabbage family Spices
Huckleberry Fruits
Human breast milk Human breast milk Infant formulae and foods
Ice cream Composite food
Indian lettuce Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca indica foo mak ts’oi [CHINESE] Leafy vegetable
Indian pennywort Apiaceae Asiatic pennywort Leafy vegetable
Infant formula, prepared Infant formula, prepared Infant formulae and foods
Infant meals, mixed Infant meat-based foods Infant formulae and foods
Insects Insects Edible insects/bugs Reptiles, amphibia and insects
Instant coffee Drinks
Ivy gourd Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Coccinia grandis hong gua [CHINESE], kabarekindi, kovai fruit, kundree, kundri, little gourd, pepasan, pepino cimarroon [SPANISH], scarlet-fruited gourd, scarlet gourd, scharlachranke [GERMAN], tam lung, telacucha, tindola, tindora, tindori, yasai karasuuri [JAPANESE] Fruit vegetable
Jackfruit Moraceae Mulberry family Artocarpus heterophyllus Fruits
Java waterdropwort Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Oenanthe javanica Oenanthe javanica, commonly Java waterdropwort, water celery, water dropwort,Chinese celery,and Japanese (flat leaf) parsley Herbs
Kaffir lime leaf Rutaceae Rue family Citrus hystrix kaffir lime or makrut lime Herbs
Kale Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Chinese kale, jie lan [CHINESE], Kai-lan Leafy vegetable
Kenaf Malvaceae Mallow/Cotton family Hibiscus cannabinus, L. Deccan hemp and Java jute Herbs
Kimchi Fermented products Vegetable, processed
Kiwi Actinidiaceae Actinidia family Fruits
Kohlrabi Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes colinabo [SPANISH], stem turnip, German turnip Stem & shoot vegetable
Kohlrabi leaves Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes colinabo [SPANISH], stem turnip, German turnip Leafy vegetable
Kohlrabi stems Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes colinabo [SPANISH], stem turnip, German turnip Stem & shoot vegetable
Komatsuna Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa var. perviridis Komatsuna [JAPANESE]; Mustard spinach Leafy vegetable
Komatsuna Brassica rapa var. perviridis Japanese mustard spinach Leafy vegetable
Kudzu Fabaceae Legume family Pueraria lobata Chinese yam, hard yam, legume Root vegetable
Kurrat Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium ampeloprasum L. (Kurrat Group) Egyptian leek, Salad leek; Wild leek; Kurrat Bulb vegetable
Kurrat, leaves Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Leafy vegetable
Lamb and mutton Lamb and mutton Lamb and mutton fresh meat, including goat fresh meat [A01RL] Red meat
Lamb’s lettuce Valerianaceas Valerian family Valerianella spp. lamb’s lettuce, mache; cornsalad Leafy vegetable
Land molluscs Land molluscs Snail Reptiles, amphibia and insects
Leaf mustard, pickled Vegetable, processed
Leafy vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Leafy vegetable
Leek Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium ampeloprasum cebollin [SPANISH], puerro [SPANISH] Bulb vegetable
Leek, green Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium ampeloprasum cebollin [SPANISH], puerro [SPANISH] Bulb vegetable
Leek, white Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium ampeloprasum cebollin [SPANISH], puerro [SPANISH] Bulb vegetable
legume, fresh, mixed Legume/seed vegetable
Legume, fresh, mixed, unspecific Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Legumes, unspecific Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Legumes, unspecific, canned Vegetable, processed
Lemon Rutaceae Rue family Fruits
Lemon balm Lamiaceae Mint family Melissa officinalis Herbs
Lemon grass Panicoideae Panicoideae Cymbopogon spp cytronella, hierba de limon [SPANISH], limoncillo, sa [VIETNAMESE], xa [VIETNAMESE]; barbed wire grass, silky heads, Cochin grass, Malabar grass, oily heads or fever grass Herbs
Lemon juice Drinks
Lemonade Drinks
Lentil, dry Fabaceae Legume family Lens culinaris Lenteja [SPANISH] Pulses
Lettuce Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa lechuga [SPANISH], romaine, sang chi [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Lettuce, Butterhead Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa L.  (Capitata Group) (Butterhead type) Boston, Bibb Leafy vegetable
Lettuce, Iceberg Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa L.  (Capitata Group)(Crisphead type) crisphead, crisp; Batavian crisp, French crisp; Crisp lettuces or Iceberg lettuces or Lollo bionda or Lollo rosso; including Frillice lettuce Leafy vegetable
Lettuce, loose leaf Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa L.  (Secalina Group) Cutting lettuces or Cutting lettuce or crinkly lettuce or oak leaf lettuce; Lettuce, Dubacek; Batavia Lettuce Leafy vegetable
Lettuce, mixed Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa Leafy vegetable
Lettuce, romaine Asteraceae Sunflower family Lactuca sativa L.  (Longifolia Group) Romaines or Cos lettuces; Little Gem ('Sucrine' or 'Sugar Cos') Leafy vegetable
Lime Rutaceae Rue family Fruits
Lime juice Drinks
Lingonberry Fruits
Lobster Nephropidae Fish and seafood products
Lotus root Nymphaeceae Water Lily family Nelumbo nucifera East Indian lotus, lily root, raiz de lotus [SPANISH], sacred lotus, waterlily root, yonpuri [KOREAN] Root vegetable
Luffa Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Luffa acutangula leng-si-gua; Luffa; Ridge Gourd (Torai) Fruit vegetable
Macadamia nut Proteaceae Queensland nut, bush nut, maroochi nut, bauple nut, Hawaii nut Nuts
Macadimia milk Composite food
Maize Poaceae Grass family corn (dry) Cereals
Maize bran
Malabar spinach Basellaceae Basella family Basella alba Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui, acelga trapadora, bratana, libato, vine spinach and Malabar nightshade Leafy vegetable
Mango Anacardiaceae Cashew family Fruits
Mango juice Drinks
Mango, pickled Fruit, processed
Margarine Composite food
Marinated meat Processed meat
Marjoram, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Origanum majorana sweet marjoram; knotted marjoram Herbs
Marula Anacardiaceae Cashew family Sclerocarya birrea Fruits
Mayonnaise Condiments
Meals, mixed Meal Meal Composite food
Meat products, mixed, unspecific Miscellaneous
Meat sauce
Meat spread Meat spread Meat spread, including other meat based spreadable textured specialities [A036K] Processed meat
Meat terrine Head cheese Composite food
Medlar Rosaceae Rose family Mespilus germanica Common medlar Fruits
Melon_Fruit Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Fruits
Melon_Vegetable Fruit vegetable
Melons, unspecific Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Fruits
MGM Mammalian game meats (MGM) Kangaroo; Buffalo; Antelope; Camel; Yak; Rabbit; Reindeer; Boar; Hare; moufflon; Other fresh meat products in Mammals meat [A0EYE0], such as rabbit. Red meat
Milk imitates
Milk, cow, fluid, skim Milk, cow, fluid, skim Dairy products
Milk, cow, fluid, whole Milk, cow, fluid, whole Dairy products
Milk, cow, powder, skim Milk, cow, powder, skim Dairy products
Milk, cow, powder, whole Milk, cow, powder, whole Dairy products
Milk, other, fluid Milk, other, fluid Sheep milk; goat milk; camel milk Dairy products
Milk, other, powder Milk, other, powder Dairy products
Mineral water Drinks
Mint Lamiaceae Mint family Persicaria odorata Laksa leaf, Vietnamese coriander Herbs
Mint, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Persicaria odorata Laksa leaf, Vietnamese coriander Herbs
Mirabelle plum Rosaceae Rose family Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca Fruits
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Miso Miso; Composite food
Mixed dishes Mixed dishes Pie; Sandwiches; Lasagne; Soup; Cassoulet; Galantine Composite food
Mixed herbs and spices, unspecific Mixed, pooled
Mizuna Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. Nipposinica Mizuna [JAPANESE], ri ben shui cai [CHINESE], shui cai [CHINESE], Mibuna [Japanese]; Mizuna; kyona, Japanese mustard greens, or spider mustard; Potherb mustard; Cut-leaf mustard Leafy vegetable
Molluscs Molluscs Shellfish; Squid; Mussel; Octopus; Clams Fish and seafood products
Morogo African spinach Leafy vegetable
Mosses liverworts icelandic mosses Mosses, liverworts
Multishoot mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea chicken mustard, multishoot mustard, nine-head mustard Stem & shoot vegetable
Mung bean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus aureus roxb Pulses; legumes; Bean; Mung beans (dry) or Green gram (dry) Pulses
Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes Shiitake, raw; Enokitake Mushroom
Mushroom, canned Vegetable, processed
Mushroom, pickled Vegetable, processed
Muskmelon Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Fruits
Mustard greens Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea.integrifolia "Japanese giant red mustard; leaf mustard: ""bamboo mustard"", ""small gai choy"" (小芥菜), and ""mustard cabbage"".; (タカナ, 高菜); snow mustard (雪里蕻): ""red-in-snow mustard"", ""green-in-snow mustard"" and ""xuělǐhóng / hsueh li hung""; curled-leaf mustard: ""curled mustard"", ""American mustard"", ""Southern mustard"", ""Texas mustard"", and ""Southern curled mustard"". baby mustard, Chinese leaf mustard, Indian mustard, mostaza [SPANISH], Gai choy" Leafy vegetable
Mustard seed Brassica nigra nut Spices
Mustard, condiment Composite food
Mustard, tuber Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica spp mostaza [SPANISH] Tuber vegetable
Mustard, unspecific Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica spp mostaza [SPANISH] Leafy vegetable
Mustard, wild Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. rapa Leafy vegetable
Myrtus  Myrtaceae myrtle; common myrtle Herbs
Natto Composite food
Nectar Composite food
Nectarine Rosaceae Rose family Nectarines or Fuzzy-less peach or Juicy peach or Brazilian peach Fruits
New Zealand spinach Aizoaceae Carpetweed family Tetragonia tetragonoides everbearing spinach, everlasting spinach, perpetual spinach, warrigal-cabbage, warrigal-greens, warrigal-spinach Leafy vegetable
New Zealand Spinach, canned Vegetable, processed
Noodles, wheat, raw Udon; Sōmen, somyeon, or sùmiàn; Composite food
Nozawana Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa L. var. hakabura 野沢菜 Leafy vegetable
Nozawana, pickled Vegetable, processed
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Spices
Nuts, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed nut Nuts
Oat Poaceae Grass family Cereals
Oat milk Composite food
Oat porridge Composite food
Offal Offal blood; brain; scrotum; small intestine; heart; kidney; liver; testicle; tongue; tripe; stomach; spleen; foie gras; tripes à la mode de Caen Offal
Oil-seed mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea "Oil seed cultivars of B. juncea subsp. juncea, along with oil seed cultivars of the related species B. napus and B. rapa, are referred to as canola. Other common names include ""brown mustard"", ""Indian mustard"", and ""oilseed mustard"". The mustard plant is called rai or raya in India." Leafy vegetable
Okra Malvaceae Mallow/Cotton family Abelmoschus esculentus molondrones, quingombo [SPANISH], o ku ra [KOREAN], ladys finger Fruit vegetable
Olive Oleaceae Olive family Olea europaea Oilseed
Onion Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa Bermuda onion, cebolla [SPANISH], chalota [SPANISH], scallion, shallot, yang pa [KOREAN] Bulb vegetable
Onion, dry Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa Bermuda onion, cebolla [SPANISH], chalota [SPANISH], scallion, shallot, yang pa [KOREAN] Bulb vegetable
Onion, green Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium fistulosum bunching onion, ciboule, green bunching onion, scallion, Welsh onion Bulb vegetable
Onion, pickled Vegetable, processed
Onion, red Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa Bermuda onion, cebolla [SPANISH], chalota [SPANISH], scallion, shallot, yang pa [KOREAN] Bulb vegetable
Onion, white Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa Bermuda onion, cebolla [SPANISH], chalota [SPANISH], scallion, shallot, yang pa [KOREAN] Bulb vegetable
Onion, yellow Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa Bermuda onion, cebolla [SPANISH], chalota [SPANISH], scallion, shallot, yang pa [KOREAN] Bulb vegetable
Oolong tea Drinks
Oolong tea, bottled Drinks
Oolong tea, prepared Drinks
Orange Rutaceae Rue family Fruits
Orange juice Drinks
Orange marmalade Composite food
Orange, canned Fruit, processed
Oregano Lamiaceae Mint family Origanum vulgare origanum or wild marjoram Herbs
Oregano, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Origanum vulgare origanum or wild marjoram Herbs
Oriental pickling melon Cucumis melo Conomon Group Oriental pickling melon; wolgwa; shirouri (シロウリ; 白瓜) Fruit vegetable
Oriental pickling melon, pickled Vegetable, processed
Other poultry meat Other poultry meat Turkey; Broiler; Goose; Quail; Other poultry fresh meat (muscle meat) [A01SN]; Poultry and feathered game meat products
Palm cabbage Arecaceae Palm family Leafy vegetable
Papaya Caricaceae pawpaw Fruits
Paprika Solanaceae Nightshade family Capsicum annuum Spice Spices
Parsley Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Petroselinum crispum perejil [SPANISH], pa sul ri [KOREAN], persil Herbs
Parsley, leaves Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Petroselinum crispum Herbs
Parsley, root Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Petroselinum crispum Root vegetable
Parsnip Apiaceae Carrot/Parsley family Pastinaca sativa chirivia [SPANISH] Root vegetable
Pasta Spaghetti (Buitoni); Composite food
Pea juice Drinks
Pea shoot Fabaceae Legume family Pisum sativum Legume/seed vegetable
Pea, canned Vegetable, processed
Pea, dry Fabaceae Legume family Pisum sativum Pulses
Pea, fresh Fabaceae Legume family Pisum sativum arveja [SPANISH], garden pea, guisante [SPANISH], snowpea, wan du (kong) [KOREAN] Legume/seed vegetable
Pea, with pods Fabaceae Legume family Legume/seed vegetable
Peach Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Peach, canned Fruit, processed
Peanut Fabaceae Legume family Arachis hypogaea Peanut; groundnut, goober (US), pindar (US) or monkey nut (UK) Legume/seed vegetable
Peanut butter Composite food
Peanut chutney Composite food
Pear Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Pear juice Drinks
Pear, canned Fruit, processed
Pearl millet Poaceae Grass family Pennisetum tryphoideum Pearl millet grain or Bulrush millet or Cat-tail millet or Cattail millet or Pearl Millet or Spiked millet Cereals
Pepper Paste
Peppermint Lamiaceae Mint family Mentha piperita L. Mentha balsamea Wild Herbs
Perilla Lamiaceae Mint family Perilla frutescens deulkkae, perilla or Korean perilla; perilla mint, beefsteak plant, purple perilla, Chinese basil, wild basil, blueweed, Joseph's coat, wild coleus and rattlesnake weed Herbs
Persian melon Cucumis melo Odessa melons; a type of muskmelon Fruits
Persimmon Ebenaceae Ebony family Fruits
Pickled mustard Zha Cai (榨菜); Cha Tsai;cha tsai, tsa tsai, jar choy, jar choi, ja choi, ja choy, or cha tsoi. In English, it is commonly known as Sichuan vegetable, Szechwan vegetable, or Chinese pickled vegetable Vegetable, processed
Pigeon peas, dry Fabaceae Legume family Cajanus cajan Pulses; legumes; Bean; Pigeonpea Pulses
Pineapple Bromeliaceae Pineapple family Fruits
Pineapple juice Drinks
Pineapple, canned Fruit, processed
Pinto bean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Pulses
Pistachio Poaceae Grass family nut Nuts
Pizza Mixed dishes Composite food
Pizza sauce
Plant oil Oliver oil; Oil
Plum Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Plum jam Composite food
Plum tomato Fruit vegetable
Plum, pickled Fruit, processed
Pomegranate Punicaceae Pomegranate family Granate apples or Pomegranates Fruits
Pomegranate juice Drinks
Pomelo Rutaceae Rue family Fruits
Poppy seed Papaveraceae Poppy family Papaver spp. amapola Spices
Pork Pork Pork fresh meat Red meat
Potato Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Solanum tuberosum papa [SPANISH], patata [SPANISH] gam ja [KOREAN] Tuber vegetable
Potato chips/crisps Composite food
Potato, fried Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Solanum tuberosum Potato chips Composite food
Potato, pickled Vegetable, processed
Potato, purple Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Solanum tuberosum Tuber vegetable
Poultry & feathered game products, others Other poultry and feathered game products, unspecific (Poultry & feathered game products, others) Bird nest Poultry and feathered game meat products
Preserved or processed animal fat Cured fat (e.g., lardo, salo, lardon); Ciccioli Animal fat
Processed cheese Dairy products
Processed eggs Processed eggs Salted egg; Century egg Eggs
Processed fish, except canned fish Cured, fermented, smoked, dried fish and products other than canned fish (Processed fish (except canned fish)) Fish and seafood products
Processed meat, mixed, unspecific Processed or preserved meat products, pooled, unspecified (Processed meat, mixed, unspecific) Processed meat
Processed MGM Processed mammalian game meats (Processed MGM) Processed meat
Processed or preserved vegetables and similar Composite food
Processed or preserved vegetables and similar Vegetable, processed
Processed poultry meat products Processed poultry meat products Processed duck/turkey; Chicken nugget; Chicken sausage; Dried/pressed duck and bird meat (including Turkey meat, dried [A022Q]) Poultry and feathered game meat products
Prune Dried plum Fruits
Pudding Composite food
Pumpkin Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucurbita maxima var. maxima, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita moschata, and Cucurbita pepo" ho bak [KOREAN] Fruit vegetable
Pumpkin seed Pepita Nuts
Puntarelle Rosaceae Rose family Leafy vegetable
Purslane Portulacacea Purslane family Portulaca oleracea verdolaga [SPANISH]; duckweed, little hogweed, or pursley Leafy vegetable
Quinoa Amaranthaceae Amaranth family Chenopodium quinoaWilld. Cereals
Radicchio Asteraceae Sunflower family Cichorium intybus var. foliosum red chicory; Red-leafed chicory Leafy vegetable
Radish Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus Chinese turnip, rabano [SPANISH], mu u [KOREAN] Root vegetable
Radish, black Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus Black Spanish radish or Erfurter radish; Black radishes or Winter radishes or 'Gros noir d'hiver' Root vegetable
Radish, leaf Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus Root vegetable
Radish, small Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus Small radishes Root vegetable
Radish, white Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus Chinese radish, daikon [JAPANESE], Japanese radish, mu li [CHINESE], white radish, long white radish; Oriental radish Root vegetable
Radish, white, pickled Vegetable, processed
Radish, wild Brassicaceae Cabbage family Raphanus sativus Chinese turnip, rabano [SPANISH], mu u [KOREAN] Root vegetable
Ramsons Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium ursinum wild garlic, ramsons, wild cowleek, cowlic, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek or bear's garlic Herbs
Rape Jujube Chinese date, red date Brassica napus var. napus Leafy vegetable
Rapeseed Brassicaceae Cabbage family Rapeseeds or Canola seeds or Colza Oilseed
Rappini Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. rapa nabo [SPANISH], turnip, sun mu [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Raspberry Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Raw cured meat cuts, except bacon & ham Raw cured meat in whole cut or pieces (non-communicated) other than bacon and ham (Cured meat cuts (except bacon & ham)) Raw cured beef; Silverside; Salted pork; tiroler speck; spalla cotta; Pancetta; Raw corned beef, uncooked [A023D]; Processed meat
Red current juice Drinks
Red meat, minced, mixed, unspecific Minced mixed meat, unspecified red meat (Red meat, others) Mixed mince; Red meat
Reptiles Reptiles Reptiles, amphibia and insects
Rhubarb Polygonaceae Buckwheat family Rheum rhabarbarum ruibarbo [SPANISH], jang gun pul [KOREAN] Stem & shoot vegetable
Rice Poaceae Grass family Cereals
Rice cake Composite food
Rice flour Cereals
Rice noodle Composite food
Rockmelon Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Fruits
Roe Roe Roe Fish and seafood products
Rolled oat Composite food
Romanesco broccoli Brassicaceae Cabbage family Roman cauliflower, Broccolo Romanesco, Romanesque cauliflower, or simply Romanesco Flower vegetable
Rooibo Fabaceae rooibos (especially in Southern Africa), bush tea, red tea, or redbush tea (predominantly in Great Britain). Drinks
Root mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea "mostaza [SPANISH]; ""root mustard"", ""large-root mustard"", ""tuberous-root mustard"", and ""turnip-root mustard""." Root vegetable
Root vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Root vegetable
Roselle Malvaceae Mallow/Cotton family Hibiscus cannabinus Roselle leaves, gogu; rosella fruit Leafy vegetable
Rosemary Lamiaceae Mint family Rosmarinus officinalis Salvia rosmarinus Herbs
Rosemary Herbs
Rosemary, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Rosmarinus officinalis Salvia rosmarinus Herbs
Ruby mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea Ruby Streaks Mustard Leafy vegetable
Rye Poaceae Grass family Cereals
Rye bread Composite food
Sage Lamiaceae Mint family Salvia officinalis salvia [SPANISH]; garden sage, common sage, or culinary sage Herbs
Sage, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Salvia officinalis salvia [SPANISH]; garden sage, common sage, or culinary sage Herbs
Sake Alcoholic drinks
Salad Salad Salad Composite food
Salad dressing Composite food
Salami Salami Saucisson (French salami) Processed meat
Salsa Composite food
Salsify Asteraceae Sunflower family Tragopogon porrifolius oyster plant, vegetable-oyster Root vegetable
Salsify, black Asteraceae Sunflower family Scorzonera hispanica Spanish salsify; Black salsify; Scorzonera Root vegetable
Salsify, canned Vegetable, processed
Salt Condiments
Saluyot jute Malvaceae Mallow/Cotton family Corchorus olitorius Jews-mallow, molokheya, nalta jute, tussa (tossa) jute, jute mallow Leafy vegetable
Sauerkraut Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea var.capitata berza [SPANISH], col [SPANISH], repollo chino [SPANISH], savoy cabbage;sour cabbage Vegetable, processed
Sausage, mixed, unspecific Sausage, unspecified Processed meat
Savory Lamiaceae Mint family Satureja hortensis (SUMMER); Satureja montana (WINTER)" ajedrea [SPANISH]; Summer savory Herbs
Savoury sauce
Scallion Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Allium cepa salad onion, multiplier onion ; Spring onion Bulb vegetable
Scallion, pickled Vegetable, processed
Scartlet runner bean Fabaceae Legume family Phaseolus coccineus runner bean; scarlet runner bean, multiflora bean Legume/seed vegetable
Scrambled egg Composite food
Screwpine, leaf Pandanaceae Screwpine (leaf) Pandanus odoratissimus hala, pandan Leafy vegetable
Sea beet Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima  Wild Spinach; Leafy vegetable
Seasoning, mixed, unspecific Mixed, pooled
Sea-squirts and other tunicates Fish and seafood products
Seaweed seaweed; algae Algae
Seeds - coffee, cocoa and similar - used for infusions or hot drinks Mixed, pooled
Semi-hard/hard cheese Semi-hard/hard cheese Cheddar; Swiss (Alpine cheeses); Colby; brick; Parmesan; Gruyere; Kasseri; Emmenthal; Edam; Parmigiano-Reggiano (hard cheese); Pecorino; Romano; asiago; Provolone; Cooper; maasdam; cheese, tilsit; emmental; raclette; appenzeller; Monterey Jack Dairy products
Semi-soft cheese Semi-soft cheese Gouda; Havarti; Mozzarella; Esrom (or Danish Port Salut cheese); Taleggio; Manchego; Halloumi; Jarlsberg; butterkase (butter cheese); danbo; Dairy products
Sesame seed Pedaliaceae Sesame/pedalium family Benne; Oilseed
Shallot Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family Bulb vegetable
Shiso Lamiaceae Mint family Perilla frutescens var. crispa "Chinese as zǐsū (紫蘇 ""purple perilla""); Vietnamese name tía tô; also called huíhuísū (回回蘇 ""Muslim perilla"") in Chinese. In Korean, it is known as soyeop (소엽). In English, it is sometimes called the ""beefsteak plant""" Herbs
Shumai Composite food
Sickle senna Fabaceae Legume family sickle senna or sickle wild sensitive-plant; sickle pod, tora, coffee pod and foetid cassia Herbs
Sissoo spinach Amaranthaceae Alternanthera sessilis sissoo spinach, Brazilian spinach, sessile joyweed, dwarf copperleaf Leafy vegetable
Snack Mixed Mixed, pooled
Snake gourd Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina calabaza anguina [SPANISH], calabaza de culebra [SPANISH], club gourd, gauda bean, Indian snakegourd, Nepalese serpent cucumber, serpent gourd, she gua [CHINESE], snakegourd, viper/viper’s gourd Fruit vegetable
Snow pea Fabaceae Legume family Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon edible-podded sugar pea; Sugar snap pea; Garden peas or Green peas or Mangetout or Sugar peas or Snow peas or Wrinkled pea Legume/seed vegetable
Soft cheese Soft cheese Blue mould cheese (danablu, Roquefort, gorgonzola); feta (including Cotija;); Brie; ricotta; Cream cheese; Camembert, Chevre; Mascarpone; Cottage cheese; Limburger; Quark; munster; Dairy products
Soft drink chinotto; Drinks
Sorghum Poaceae Grass family Sorghum vulgare Cereals
Sorrel Polygonaceae Buckwheat family Rumex spp. acedera [SPANISH], dock Herbs
Soup Mixed Composite food
Sour cherry Rosaceae Rose family Prunus cerasus Fruits
Soy milk Composite food
Soy milk powder Composite food
Soy protein powder Composite food
Soy sauce Condiments
Soybean, dry Fabaceae Legume family Glycine max soy, soya Legume/seed vegetable
Soybean, green Fabaceae Legume family Soyabeans (with pods) Legume/seed vegetable
Spaghetti Composite food
Spaghetti, ready-to-serve Composite food
Spearmint Lamiaceae Mint family garden mint, common mint, lamb mint and mackerel mint Herbs
Spice, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Spices
Spinach Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Spinacia oleracea espinaca [SPANISH], shi gum chi [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Spinach, baby leaf Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Spinacia oleracea espinaca [SPANISH], shi gum chi [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Spinach, canned Vegetable, processed
Spiny amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus spiny amaranth, spiny pigweed, prickly amaranth or thorny amaranth; phak khom (Thai: ผักขม) Leafy vegetable
Spirit Gin; Ram; bai jiu; Alcoholic drinks
Spring greens Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea Leafy vegetable
Sprouts, barley Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, bean Fabaceae Legume family Bean shoot Legume/seed vegetable
Sprouts, garden cress Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, lentil Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, mung bean Fabaceae Legume family Vigna radiata Green gram sprouts Legume/seed vegetable
Sprouts, radish Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, shoots and similar Mixed, pooled
Sprouts, soybean Fabaceae Legume family Glycine max Legume/seed vegetable
Sprouts, sunflower Helianthus annuus Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, turnip Brassica rapa subsp. rapa nabo [SPANISH], rappini, sun mu[KOREAN] Stem & shoot vegetable
Sprouts, wheat Stem & shoot vegetable
Squash Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucurbita spp. Fruit vegetable
Star anise Schisandraceae Illicium verum star anise, staranise, star anise seed, star aniseed, star of anise, Chinese star anise, or badian Spices
Steamed buns Composite food
Stem mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica juncea "Previously identified as B. juncea subsp. tsatsai var. tumida. The mustard plant with knobby, fist-sized, swollen green stem is known as ""big-stem mustard"" or ""swollen-stem mustard""." Stem & shoot vegetable
Stem vegetable, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Stem & shoot vegetable
Stock, liquid, beef Composite food
Stock, liquid, chicken Composite food
Stock, liquid, vegetable Composite food
Stock, powder, beef Composite food
Stock, powder, chicken Composite food
Stock, powder, vegetable Composite food
Strawberry Rosaceae Rose family Fruits
Strawberry jam Composite food
Suancai Fermented products Vegetable, processed
Sugar Condiments
Sugar plants
Sultana Vitaceae Grape family Raisin Fruits
Sumac Anacardiaceae Cashew family sumach Spices
Sumac  Anacardiaceae Cashew family Rhus coriaria Spices
Sunflower seed Nuts
Sushi, mixed, unspecific Mixed Composite food
Swede Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica napus var. napobrassica Swedes; Rutabagas or Rutabaga Turnip; Swedish Turnip Root vegetable
Sweet corn Poaceae Grass family Zea mays maiz [SPANISH], maize Legume/seed vegetable
Sweet corn, canned Vegetable, processed
Sweet corn, pickled Vegetable, processed
Sweet potato Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Ipomoea batatas batata [SPANISH], boniato [SPANISH], camote, kumara [NEW ZEALAND], go gu ma [KOREAN]; Tao (satsumaimo ) Tuber vegetable
Sweet potato, vine Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Ipomoea batatas batata [SPANISH], boniato [SPANISH], camote, kumara [NEW ZEALAND], go gu ma [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Swiss chard Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family Beta vulgaris var. cicla gun dae [KOREAN], chard, silverbeet; Swiss chard, silverbeet, bright lights, seakale beet, white beet, strawberry spinach, leaf beet, Sicilian beet, Chilian beet, Roman kale, spinach beet, crab beet, perpetual spinach, or mangold Leafy vegetable
Syrup Molasses and other syrups Composite food
Tabasco capsicum Solanaceae Nightshade family Capsicum frutescens L Fruit vegetable
Talinum  Talinaceae  flameflower Leafy vegetable
Tamarind bean pod, pulp Fabaceae Legume family Tamarindus indica tamarindo [SPANISH] Legume/seed vegetable
Tamarind pulp
Tangerine Rutaceae Rue family Orange; Clementine Fruits
Tansy, dry Asteraceae Sunflower family Tanacetum vulgare common tansy, bitter buttons, cow bitter, or golden buttons Herbs
Tap water Drinks
Taro Araceae Arum family Colocasia esculenta Dasheen, Dalo [Fijian]; Satoimo (里芋), taro roots, or Japanese sweet taro Tuber vegetable
Tarragon Asteraceae Sunflower family Artemisia dracunculus estragon [SPANISH] Herbs
Tatsoi Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa broad-beak mustard, Chinese savoy, rosette pakchoi, ta ge cai [CHINESE], taasai [JAPANESE], tai koo choi [CHINESE], Tat soi, Tatsoi (spinach mustard or spoon mustard; tat choy), Tahtsai; Tat soi – Japanese name, Rosette bok choy, taai goo choi; Taiwanese cabbage, also called flat cabbage or Taiwan cabbage, is a variety of Chinese cabbage commonly used in Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean cuisine. it’s called 高麗菜 (Gāolí cài) in Taiwan Leafy vegetable
Tea, infusion, dry Tee bag Drinks
Tea, mixed, unspecific Drinks
teiu potato Jatropha elliptica (Pohl) Oken Others
Thumbai Lamiaceae Leucas aspera Thumba Herbs
Thyme Lamiaceae Mint family "Thymus vulgaris tilo, tomillo [SPANISH] Herbs
Thyme, dry Lamiaceae Mint family Thymus vulgaris Herbs
Tinda Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Praecitrullus fistulosus Tinda, also called Indian squash, round melon, Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian baby pumpkin Fruit vegetable
Toddler formula, prepared Toddler formula, prepared Infant formulae and foods
Tofu Composite food
Tomato Solanaceae Nightshade family Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum tomate [SPANISH] Fruit vegetable
Tomato juice Drinks
Tomato paste/puree Composite food
Tomato sauce Tomato ketchup Condiments
Tomato, canned Vegetable, processed
Tomato, dry Sun dried tomato Fruit vegetable
Tomato, pickled Vegetable, processed
Topi Tambo Fruits
Touna Brassicaceae Cabbage family Leafy vegetable
Traditional verjuice Drinks
Tronchuda Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica oleracea L. (Tronchuda group) Sea-kale cabbage, Braganza cabbage, couve tronchuda; Portuguese kales or Tronchuda kales or Portuguese cabbages or Braganza or Poruguese kales or Bedford cabbage Leafy vegetable
Turmeric Zingiberaceae Ginger family Curcuma longa tumeric Spices
Turnip Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. rapa nabo [SPANISH], rappini, sun mu [KOREAN] Root vegetable
Turnip, tops Brassicaceae Cabbage family Brassica rapa subsp. rapa nabo [SPANISH], rappini, sun mu [KOREAN]; Turnip tops or Turnip greens or Namenia or Tendergreen Leafy vegetable
UCFM, except salami & chorizo Uncooked comminuted fermented meat products other than salami and chorizo (UCFM (except salami & chorizo)) Pepperoni; Cervelats; Mettwurst; Summer sausage; Naem; Droë wors; Sucuk; Dry sausages and semi-dry sausages (Summer sausage); Linguica [A025D]; Snack sausaged (like Cabanos and landjager) [A025E]; Processed meat
Vegemite Composite food
Vegetable and fruit juice, mixed, unspecific Drinks
Vegetable and/or fruit compote, unspecific Composite food
Vegetable and/or fruit jam, unspecific Composite food
Vegetable and/or fruit puree Composite food
Vegetable fern Athyriaceae Edible fern
Vegetable juice, mixed, unspecific Drinks
Vegetable, dry, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Vegetable, processed
Vegetable, fresh, mixed, unspecific Mixed Mixed Mixed, pooled
Vine leaves Leafy vegetable
Vinegar Condiments
Wall rocket Brassicaceae Cabbage family Diplotaxis tenuifolia wild rocket; perennial wall-rocke; White Rocket and Sylvetta Leafy vegetable
Walnut Juglandaceae Walnut family nut Nuts
Walnut, pickled Processed plant food, generic
Wasabi Brassicaceae Cabbage family Eutrema japonicum Japanese horseradish Stem & shoot vegetable
Water Drinks
Water chestnut Cyperaceae Sedge family Trapa natans var. natans Saligot, Singhara nut, Jesuit nut, water caltrop Root vegetable
Water spinach Convolvulaceae Morning Glory family Ipomoea aquatica kankun [TAGALOG], swamp cabbage; Ong choi; Morning glory or Chinese convolvolus or Water convolvolus or Kangkung or Water spinach Leafy vegetable
Watercress Brassicaceae Cabbage family Nasturtium officinale berro [SPANISH], rorripa, yang gat naeng i [KOREAN] Leafy vegetable
Waterleaf Talinaceae Talinum fruticosum  Ceylon spinach, waterleaf, cariru, Gbure, Surinam purslane, Philippine spinach, Florida spinach, potherb fameflower, Lagos bologi, and sweetheart Leafy vegetable
Watermelon Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Citrulluslanatus Fruits
Watermelon, pickled Fruit, processed
Wax gourd Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Benincasa hispida Wax gourd of India, wax gourd, hairy gourd, ash gourd, winter melon Fruit vegetable
Wheat Poaceae Grass family Cereals
Wheat flour Poaceae Grass family Wheat; Flour Cereals
Wheat flour products Poaceae Grass family Mixed, pooled
Whey powder Whey Whey Dairy products
White cabbage juice Drinks
White mustard Brassicaceae Cabbage family Condiments
White pepper Spices
White-seed melon Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucumeropsis mannii egusi in Yoruba ; Elegushi in Igbo and agushi in Hausa. In English  Mann's cucumeropsis and white-seed melon Fruit vegetable
Wild radish Brassicaceae Cabbage family R. raphanistrum sea radish, wild radish, white charlock or jointed charlock Herbs
Wine, mixed, unspecific Rice wine; Sake; Shelly Alcoholic drinks
Wine, red Rose wine; Alcoholic drinks
Wine, white Alcoholic drinks
Winter savory Lamiaceae Mint family Satureja montana Satureja montana Herbs
Winter squash Cucurbitaceae Gourd family Cucurbita spp. calabaza [IN PUERTO RICO], courgettes, shen-gua [CHINESE], winter squash, zapallo [SPANISH], zucchini; Winter squashes or Red kuri squashes or Marrows (late varieties) Fruit vegetable
Worcester sauce Condiments
Wormwood Asteraceae Sunflower family Artemisia absinthium wormwood, grand wormwood, absinthe, absinthium, absinthe wormwood, mugwort, wermout, wermud, wormit, wormod; Alsem Herbs
Yakult Composite food
Yam Araceae Arum family Dioscorea alata Chinese yam, asiatic/white yam, potato yam, winged yam Tuber vegetable
Yam bean Fabaceae Legume family Pachyrhizus ahipa, Pachyrhizus erosus, and Pachyrhizus tuberosus Tuber vegetable
Yam bean, leaf Fabaceae Legume family Pachyrhizus ahipa, Pachyrhizus erosus, and Pachyrhizus tuberosus Pachyrhizus leaf Leafy vegetable
Yoghurt Yoghurt Yoghurt Dairy products
Zenmai Osmundaceae Osmunda japonica Asian royal fern; Flowering fern; juecai; 蕨菜; Fiddlehead Leafy vegetable
Zizania latifolia Poaceae Grass family Zizania latifolia Manchurian wild rice (Chinese: 菰; pinyin: gū); Its sterm name is Chinese: 茭白; pinyin: jiāobái Stem & shoot vegetable
Unripe melon
Cucumber, pickled Vegetable, processed
Rock samphire, pickled Vegetable, processed
Silver onion, pickled Vegetable, processed
Cherry pepper, pickled Vegetable, processed
Vegetable, pickled, mixed, unspecific Vegetable, processed
Cabbage, white, pickled Vegetable, processed
Garlic, pickled Vegetable, processed
Beans, green, pickled Vegetable, processed
Unripe melon, pickled Fruit, processed
Soybean and products Low
Wild leafy vegetables Low
Maize tassels Low
Greengrocery Low
Fukujin-zuke Low
Bleach-Celery Low
Laos Low
Unspecified food item and/or missing info on processing Low
Ready-meals Low
Lactic acid bacteria beverage Low
Smoked meat products Low
Meat, poultry or eggs Low
Frozen Meat sample Low
Jelly powders Low
Meatloaf (pork and beef) Low
Shiitake and spinach Low
Gan BIan Si Ji Doufu Low
Braised spareribsVdaikon Low
Idli Low
Spinach dali Low
Composite food (including frozen products) Low
Other foods (foods which cannot be included in any other group) Low
Sukiyaki taste beef Low
Boiled pork, ginger taste Low
Sweet-and-sourpork (subuta) Low
Yellowtail brodiled with soy (buri -teriyaki ) Low
Chicken broiled with soy (tori -teriyaki) Low
Shrimp au gratin Low
Fried mince meat and lotus root (renkon-hasamiage) Low
Fried shrimp with chili sauce Low
Boiled vegetables and chicken, soy sauce taste (chikuzen-ni) Low
Boiled chicke nand hijiki, soy sauce taste Low
Shrimpshaomai Low
Friede ggplant with meat sauce (nasu-soboroankake) Low
Seasoned bean-curd refuse (uno -hana orokara) Low
Boiled hijiki, soy sauce taste Low
Kidney bean dressed with sesami sauce (ingen-goma-ae) Low
Chopped burdock root cooked in soy and sesameoil (kinpira-gobou) Low
Boiled kelp,soy sauce taste (konbu-ni) Low
Boiledspinachwithsoysauce (ohitashi) Low
Japanesechowder (kenchinjiru) Low
Well water Low
PET-bottled mixed tea Low
Alimentary yam paste (konnyaku) Low
Eggplant seasoned in rice-bran paste (nasu-nukazu-ke) Low
Japanese radish seasoned in rice-bran paste (daikon-nukazuke) Low
Cucumber seasoned in rice-bran paste (kyuuri -nukazuke) Low
fermented bean curd Low
Pickled pepper fungus Low
Pepper Sauce Low
Dried grinded pepper Low
Fu Low
Frozen Entrees Low
Liquid drink bases (including concentrates and home-made preparations) Low
Drink mixes Low
Gages Low
Herbs, vegetables and oil sauces Low
Processing aids Low
Meat and dairy imitates Low

We harmonised plant-based food names with based on FoodEx2 (revision 2) and information in CatalogueBrowser EFSA, Wikipedia, USDA Plants Database and other botanic databases.
This table will be updated and cleaned regularly.

Main References:

1. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). AUSNUT 2011–13 food and dietary supplement classification system. 2020 [cited 2020 16 October].
2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). (2003). Fruit and Vegetables. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention (Vol. 8). Lyon, France: IARC.
3. Ioannidou, S. (2019). EFSA Catalogue Browser User Guide. EFSA Supporting Publications, 16(11).
4. Blekkenhorst, L. C., Prince, R. L., Ward, N. C., Croft, K. D., Lewis, J. R., Devine, A., . . . Bondonno, C. P. (2017). Development of a reference database for assessing dietary nitrate in vegetables. Mol Nutr Food Res, 61(8). .