Nitr-Navigator - A comprehensive Nitrate, Nitrite and Nitrosamine Database

Overview of Nitr-Navigator (2023v0.0.7)

The Nitr-Navigator is a Nitrate, Nitrite, Nitrosamine Food Composition Reference Database which provides the most comprehensive content data for nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), and nitrosamines in foods and drinks. Currently, the Nitr-Navigator contains over 129,000 nitrate values for more than 800 foods and drinks (excluding tap water but including packaged water). It also includes more than 22,000 nitrite content data for around 400 foods and drinks. The data are sourced from over 80 countries. Future updates will include the nitrosamine content in foods, drinks, and medications, as well as the nitrate content in tap water. The Nitr-Navigator contains a series of data fields related to samples, sampling location (city, country, region, continent), sampling time (month, season, year), analytic methods, etc. As such, it has the capability to filter data and extract nitrate/nitrite content based on established protocols.

Our team has developed a nitrate/nitrite calculator (as Jupyter Notebook, access through team) that can automatically and efficiently assign content values to food records while applying multiple protocols, and a Nitr-Navigator data portal (NitriXplorer) that can filter and visualize data. Read more...


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The entero-salivary circulation of nitrate in humans
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Inorganic nitrate in human health
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Database structure

Questions, want to submit your own data? Please Contact us.